The first problem was when I tried to book on Telegram and they wanted to charge 400K more ('Foreigner' prices he told me). He did quickly give the local price when i complaining and i booked Vip2 : 100 minutes, 2x BJ with CIM (hands-free), hot stone massage, Thai massage, nuru, for 1,359mI booked #99 who looked way better in the photos than real-life - there were a lot of tattoos that were airbrushed out of the photos. However she had a nice body and big tits that looked natural.The room is quite basic and dire. The bath mat was still wet from the last person.Got in the tub and it was the same as Richard123. Mechanical, no foreground play. Onto the bed and straight to BJ where she did most of the work with her hands (despite what was advertised above). And no CIM.Started the massage which took about 4 minutes and the onto the nuru which could not have lasted more than 40 seconds. Then onto the second BJ, about five minutes after the last.And that was about it. Way more expensive than VTB for a much lesser experience. They offer your money back if not satisfied but I didn't bother, just wanted to get out of there.